New Initiative in Kent for Separating Families

New Initiative in Kent for Separating Families

My colleague Sharon Davey-Holpin and myself were delighted to support the launch last week of the Supporting Separated Families Alliance.  Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division addressed the group and praised its work as a trailblazer and example for the rest of the country.

The aim is to ensure there is greater joined up referrals across a variety of agencies for clients separating who may require practical, emotional, health and financial advice for themselves or their children.  Greater signposting for clients offers access to therapeutic supports while still getting the legal advice they need from us as specialist family lawyers.

This echoes what we at Hatton Law have always done: Offer affordable fixed fee early advice to avoid clients’ situations becoming more difficult and expensive down the line.  We provide our clients with pragmatic, sensible advice that looks holistically at their family’s needs.

Contact us today on 01634 686822 if you need support through separation, divorce or civil partnership breakdown.