News archive

Interested in Mediation?

You may have seen that this week is National Mediation Week.  The purpose is to raise awareness of the role and benefits of mediation, especially in family break ups.  We have belonged to the specialist professional body for family lawyers, Resolution, since starting the firm over 16 years ago, and remain committed to their code of practice.

 Our experienced Mediator Sharon Davey-Holpin can help, and more detail is given here on our website, see the mediation section above.  Mediation can be a very helpful way to progress matters, but it does not have to be an either/or with legal advice.  Ideally you should work through mediation and get legal advice, to ensure your interests are then properly reflected into appropriate binding court orders.

 If you are interested in using Sharon as a Mediator, or engaging us as your lawyers, to get expert advice promoting sensible and pragmatic discussions, do give us a call.

Christmas Hours

Our lovely team deserve a break so they can return refreshed to support our clients throughout 2025.

Please note therefore our office closes at 5pm Friday 20th December and reopens at 9 am Friday 3rd January.

We know Christmas can be hard for many people, whatever your circumstances.  We wish you all peace and comfort for this period and moving forward.

Support for Demelza Charity

Hatton Law have been pleased to support several events recently through Kent Law Society, helping to raise money for the wonderful Kent based charity Demelza.

From providing the table decorations at a charity ball, to donating a prize for the advent raffle, every contribution helps support children with life limiting conditions and their families.

As we enter the Christmas season, we reflect again that children are at the heart of our important work supporting clients through separation and divorce.

As a firm we have always embraced the Resolution Code of Conduct and signpost, where appropriate, to mediation and counselling.

The path to a new life can be tricky but we are here to help you navigate your own way forward.

Summer of fun, or not?

The sun is finally out and as the temperature rises, so can tempers.  The BBC has covered this week how data shows incidents of domestic violence and abuse increase during major sporting events such as the Euros.  This is often, though not always, fuelled by excessive alcohol and interestingly goes up whether England wins or loses.

If you are concerned at the behaviour of your partner and want to get advice, without judgement or pressure to make any decisions, call our office on 01634 686822.  You can make a fixed fee initial appointment with one of our experienced family specialist lawyers and receive caring, pragmatic guidance.

Roses are Blue

Valentine’s Day can be exciting for some, over-hyped for many and difficult for those separated or struggling in an unhealthy relationship.

The expression “love bombing” has been used in recent years to describe actions that feel over the top, and can sometimes lead to controlling behaviour, often based on the insecurity of the perpetrator.

Whilst an occasional bunch of flowers is usually welcome, constant purchases, often expensive, are not necessary and can make the recipient feel beholden rather than grateful.

If this sounds familiar and you would like advice from an experienced, empathetic team, do call or email us today.

An initial fixed fee meeting allows you to receive advice with no ongoing commitment so you can make your own well informed decisions.

Make it a gift of love for yourself.

Christmas Hours

Please note our office will be closing at 5pm on Friday 22nd December 2023 and will reopen at 9am on Wednesday 3rd January 2024.

We wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

Season of Goodwill, or not

We are very aware that Christmas can be a difficult time for all sorts of reasons.  Whilst a welcome opportunity for a break for some (us included), it can be stressful and emotional for others.

If you need legal advice, not due to Christmas as such, but perhaps resolve in the New Year to get your financial settlement finalised, then call us and book a fixed fee first appointment.

It is a good time to give yourself the gift of positive, pragmatic advice.

Wishing you meanwhile a time of peace, happiness and healing.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The annual Coffee Morning this year falls just as I go away on leave.  As such we will not be holding an event this month but hope to again in the future.

We will be making a donation on behalf of Hatton Law and if you feel able, please feel free to do so likewise.

We hope to see you again in the future!

Deborah and all at Hatton Law


School Holiday season

School Holiday Season

 It is a time of year beloved by many children but not always by parents!  Keeping children occupied can be exhausting and expensive, notwithstanding some great ideas can be found online for free or cheap activities in your area.

On the upside, not having the daily “well, where did you leave your school shoes?” struggle before every school run can feel like a mini break at least.  For many parents however, they still need to get children up and out to childcare so they can work, so the “holidays” do not feel like much of a rest for them.

For separated parents, doing this on your own can feel even more difficult.  Or you might be a parent who wants to be there for your children but are not being enabled to do so by the other parent.

If you are struggling to find a positive and child centred way through your separation, whether you were married, civil partners or neither, do give us a call on 01634 686822.  Appointments can be by telephone if you need to be at home, albeit out of earshot!

At Hatton Law we offer practical advice for life in the modern world.

New Initiative in Kent for Separating Families

New Initiative in Kent for Separating Families

My colleague Sharon Davey-Holpin and myself were delighted to support the launch last week of the Supporting Separated Families Alliance.  Sir Andrew McFarlane, President of the Family Division addressed the group and praised its work as a trailblazer and example for the rest of the country.

The aim is to ensure there is greater joined up referrals across a variety of agencies for clients separating who may require practical, emotional, health and financial advice for themselves or their children.  Greater signposting for clients offers access to therapeutic supports while still getting the legal advice they need from us as specialist family lawyers.

This echoes what we at Hatton Law have always done: Offer affordable fixed fee early advice to avoid clients’ situations becoming more difficult and expensive down the line.  We provide our clients with pragmatic, sensible advice that looks holistically at their family’s needs.

Contact us today on 01634 686822 if you need support through separation, divorce or civil partnership breakdown.